Throughout our lives, many of us have worked hard to shed pounds. Yet, there are situations where what is most optimal for our overall health, well-being, and physique is actually to gain weight. Consequently, rather than rushing to our favorite fast food restaurants, there exist healthier options to achieve the necessary weight gain. In this article, we will delve into the methods of attaining healthy weight in order to feel and appear our absolute best.

The organ of longevity

We’ve all seen the viral photos comparing muscle and fat, highlighting the fact that muscle weighs more. When it comes to gaining healthy weight, exercise should still play a vital role in your life through primarily the means of a consistent strength training program. But why is weight gain through muscle considered healthy? Not only does muscle contribute to a fit and toned physique, but it also offers numerous health benefits for both men and women. 

For one, it plays a direct role in our metabolic health by boosting our metabolism, allowing us to have greater dietary flexibility. Additionally, muscle has a positive impact on our gut health, acting as a natural probiotic and promoting the organization of healthy bacteria in our gut lining. It also aids in the production of certain hormones that enhance our well-being, strength, and stress & anxiety management. 

For women, maintaining muscle becomes particularly important as we age, as our bodies naturally tend to reduce muscle mass, which can result in weaker bones and a higher risk of injury and pain. Having more muscle translates to stronger bones. The quality of our lives is intricately linked to the quality of the muscle we possess. An increase on the scale due to an increase in muscle mass is an encouraging indicator of enhanced longevity, health, and overall confidence. 

Maintaining dietary authenticity

Setting a goal of weight gain should never serve as an excuse to consume excessive amounts of processed junk foods. It is vital to approach this objective with the intention of fueling your body through a balanced diet that primarily consists of whole, unprocessed foods. While processed foods may be the quickest route to gaining a few extra pounds, they are also strongly associated with various diseases such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. 

Additionally, an increasing number of studies are delving into the impact of ultra-processed foods on mental health. These foods possess a subpar nutrient composition, being low in essential nutrients while high in unhealthy fats, added sugars, artificial additives, and refined carbohydrates. Insufficient intake of necessary nutrients can disrupt brain function and lead to imbalances in neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which plays a critical role in regulating mood. 

Instead, nourishing your body with whole foods that encompass quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats can have a positive influence on your mental health, energy levels, mood, strength, libido, and more. This can be an excellent opportunity to explore new recipes that are both satisfying and higher in calories than what you would typically consume. Work to prioritize three complete meals per day, each incorporating a combination of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and micronutrients (such as vegetables). And this time, don’t hesitate to indulge in an extra slice of bread during dinner.

Managing your calorie intake

If a lack of appetite or hectic schedule makes it challenging for you to eat in a slight caloric surplus, there are tricks you can utilize to increase your calories without increasing the volume of food. One effective strategy is incorporating more healthy fats into your diet. Consider adding an extra drizzle of olive oil to your cooking pan, using butter in your recipes, or including some avocado with your morning eggs. 

Another simple method is to drink your calories. Prepare a protein shake using whole milk and a tablespoon or two of peanut butter to create a high-calorie, yet not overly filling, meal replacement or snack. Embrace this opportunity to enjoy some indulgence and perhaps enhance your relationship with certain foods and their value to you. 

The importance of rest and recovery

R&R will always remain paramount, regardless of your life circumstances, professional pursuits, or health goals. Prioritizing proper sleep and rejuvenation is essential for utilizing the excess energy you’re consuming in the most optimal way. Take advantage of this moment to establish boundaries and focus on self-care. Consider replacing a couple of Solid Core or Orange Theory classes with a full-body massage or a 20-minute sauna session. Try keeping your phone outside of your bedroom and engage in an evening reading session or meditation instead. Allow yourself to sleep in, spend quality time with your loved ones, and reassess aspects of your life where you may need to redefine your perception of what is truly healthy for you during this particular chapter of life. 


Just as someone attempting to lose weight won’t find success by being consistent Monday to Thursday and then indulging excessively over the weekend, the same principle applies when aiming to gain weight. 

Additionally, if the concept of gaining weight is unfamiliar or uncomfortable for you, you may find yourself engaging in a mental battle, tempted to tap the brakes and revert to the familiar and comfortable path. It is crucial to maintain consistency with the protocols discussed above and trust your body’s ability to utilize the surplus of calories and nutrients. For many, it can be helpful to direct your focus from solely aesthetics, to improving performance and technique in the gym. However, if you continue to struggle with mentality and adherence, it may be beneficial to seek the assistance of a therapist who can help uncover the underlying reasons holding you back.

By maintaining consistency, nurturing a positive mindset, and seeking appropriate support, you can overcome challenges and stay on track toward your weight gain goals.

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