What is breast augmentation?

Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure which enhances the shape and size of the breast using Silicone or Saline implants. For reconstructive purposes, Breast Augmentation can be performed to restore a feminine aesthetic following a mastectomy (the surgical removal of breast tissue, commonly performed to treat breast cancer).

What are the different types of incision sites?

There are multiple incision options:

Inframammary Fold (IMF) Incision

IMF incisions are one the most common and preferred incisions for breast augmentation. This incision is placed in the crease below the breast tissue and has minimal visibility when fully healed. A four to six centimeter incision is made and the implant is placed into the breast cavity by hand or using a Keller Funnel. The Keller Funnel allows a no-touch delivery solution for silicone implants to decrease the risk of contamination of the breast implant. 

Periareolar Incision

A periareolar incision is made around the areola. The incision is placed where the areola meets the breast skin, hiding the incision in the pigmented skin of the areola. If you intend to become pregnant in the future, consult with your physician, as this incision option can impact the ducts that support breastfeeding. This incision site is used in conjunction with Saline or Silicone Implants. Read more below to learn the difference between Saline and Silicone Implants! 

Transaxillary Incision 

This incision is placed in the axilla (armpit) to avoid incisions to the breast. This option is commonly used with the placement of saline implants, however silicone implants can also be used. 

Lollipop Incision 

The Lollipop Incision is made around the areola with another incision down the center of the breast. This incision is done in conjunction with moderate breast lifts to reduce excess tissue, elevate the nipple areola complex and create a perkier breast. 

Anchor Incision 

An Anchor Incision is used when severe sagging is present in the breast. Hormone changes, pregnancy, weight gain and weight loss can impact the breast tissue causing ptosis. The anchor incision is used for breast lifts or breast reductions, when the nipple has fallen below the breast fold.

The selection for your incision site and breast implant placement should be discussed with your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to determine what will be the best option based on your anatomy, implant preference and desired aesthetic.

For our preferred scar therapy treatments to reduce the appearance of scars CLICK HERE.

How do I know if I need a breast lift?

Source: Aesthetics Journal

Breast lifts are performed when the nipple sits at or below the breast fold, based on the distance of the nipple to the breast fold it is categorized as ptosis, ranging from level one to five. During your consultation your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will take breast measurements and determine if a breast lift will provide you with the best aesthetic. In some cases, the breast tissue can be mobilized to provide your desired fullness without the need for an implant. 

How do I select my implant?

There are three options to achieve desired breast fullness, Silicone Implants, Saline Implants and Fat Grafting to the breast. In the United States, the most commonly used implants are made by Allergan, Mentor, and Sientra.  Your surgeon will be able to explain which implant they prefer and why.

  • Silicone Implants 

Silicone implants are pre-filled with a silicone based solution created to simulate natural breast tissue. Implants give you peace of mind knowing that the shell is designed to keep your implant intact. Most silicone implants now offer advanced “gummy” technology that prevents the silicone gel from spreading in the rare occurrence that a rupture occurs. Silicone implants range in size from 110cc to 800cc - based on your anatomy and desired cup size your board certified physician will provide you a range of implant sizes and cosivity that will ensure your achieve your ideal aesthetic.  Silicone implants can be placed in patients over the age of 22 for cosmetic purposes.

  • Saline Implants

Saline implants are a silicone based shell filled with a saline (salt water) solution. The shell is placed into the breast pocket and filled with the solution to provide your breast enhancement. Both saline and silicone implants can be placed above or below the muscle in the breast. Saline implants are often chosen based on the desired incision site, in addition, in the rare occurrence of rupture, the saline solution will be absorbed into the body as a natural occurrence. Saline implants can be placed in patients over the age of 18 for cosmetic purposes.

  • Fat Transfer to the Breast

For years fat grafting has been known for contouring of the buttock, in Brazilian Butt Lift procedures. Over time purified fat has become the gold standard for body contouring. Patients who prefer to opt out of implants have gravitated to fat grafting as their preferred method of augmentation. How does this procedure work? We are glad you asked! First, undesired fat is collected from another area of the body through liposuction. When the fat is collected, it is then prepared and redistributed into the breast through injections to enhance the breast shape and size. A four millimeter incision is made to remove and redistribute the fat. 

How long is recovery?

Recovery is different for each patient! It is common for the initial discomfort to last 3-5 days, non-opioid local anesthetics, such as Exparel can be injected at the time of surgery to reduce discomfort. Your physician will also offer you prescriptions to support inflammation and tightness of the muscle to provide you additional comfort in the days following surgery. Muscle relaxers are one way to avoid stronger opioids, as they provide relief as your body adjusts to the new implant! 

Your physician will generally recommend that you take 7-10 days off of work. As far as limitations go, there will be limitations in place for up to three months following surgery. Your physician will give you instructions to limit excessive movement of the arms and heavy lifting. These instructions will assist in ensuring that the implants settle into place as they should and limit the risk of early onset capsular contracture by limiting fluid accumulation around the implants. 

At each follow up appointment, you will be given medical clearance to introduce more movement and increase your weight limitations. Following the instructions of your physician is imperative to ensure that you receive the best results! 

What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant.

Naturally your body protects itself from foregin bodies, the body does this by forming a capsule around your implant. Over time the capsule may harden and squeeze the implant causing discomfort. Due to this fact, the FDA recommends that implants are replaced after 10 years. 

Source: FDA

Will I need to get my implants replaced?

As mentioned above, the FDA recommends that implants are replaced after 10 years to maintain the best results. The replacement of your implant will reduce the risk of capsular contracture and the rupture of your implant. Do patients keep their implants for longer than 10 years? Absolutely! Maintaining regular self and physician exams will assist you in determining when your implants need to be replaced.

How do I find a qualified Plastic Surgeon?

Our dedicated team of Patient Journey Experts are available for 30 minute consultations to answer any additional questions you have and support you with additional resources to ensure you find the right physician for you!


Ask your physician about award programs for complimentary treatments following your Breast Augmentation Surgery!

Natrelle Implants: You are eligible to receive a complimentary Botox treatment when you sign up for Alle Rewards.

Mentor Implants: You are eligible to receive points that can be applied to Galderma Injectebles through Aspire Rewards.

Looking for more details on implants and warranties, see below for added resources:

Natrelle by Allergan | Mentor | Sientra


